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Fisetin supplements

Fisetin is a natural compound that belongs among the flavonoids, often found in vegetables and other plants. It’s found in various types of food, such as strawberries, apples, onions, grapes, citrus fruits, and cucumbers. Fisetin gives these foods their colour. It’s also used as a natural dye in food. Beyond that, it’s a popular supplement.

What is fisetin?

Fisetin is a flavonoid just like quercetin. They give different types of food their colour. It has a special structure that absorbs and reflects light, allowing us to see colour. Fisetin binds itself to pigments in food and enhances their colour. What colour that ends up being depends on various factors, such as the amount of fisetin and other compounds in the food. This is how a strawberry can be red while a granny smith apple can be green.

What does fisetin do in our body?

Because of strict EU laws, we can sadly enough only share limited information about the way natural products work. We’re not allowed to share results from scientific research.

 We can inform you about this personally. You can contact us for further information about the way fisetin supplements work.

 How is fisetin obtained for high quality supplements?

Fisetin can be extracted from different natural sources, such as plants, vegetables, and fruits that are filled with this flavonoid. After the extraction, the fisetin extract is concentrated and incorporated into different supplements. This can be done in different forms, consider for example capsules, tablets, or powders.

When collecting fisetin for the creation of supplements, it’s important that the nutrients are preserved as much as possible. The quality and the stability of the fisetin extract is therefore treated very carefully after the extraction process. One of the ways this is done is through special techniques of preserving the extract.

Because of this, we use airtight packaging. This helps to prevent oxidation, because the supplements aren’t exposed to air. Oxidation can lower the quality of the extract.

At Boinca, we of course do our very best to protect the nutrients in fisetin extract against degradation and decreasing quality. Due to this, our supplements have the optimal dose of high-quality fisetin. The supplements are really rich in valuable compounds, which are also easily absorbed by the body.

Always make sure you have a basis of a healthy and varied diet. Supplements are an addition to that, not a replacement of it.

Fisetin is a teamplayer in your body

Inside the body, fisetin often works alongside other compounds. They enhance each other, like a synergy. This means that the combined effort of two or more different chemicals can be stronger than the sum of their individual effects. Teamwork.

Fisetin, for example, can work together with certain antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E. They make each other stronger.

Moreover, fisetin can improve the absorption of certain nutrients. It can help with the absorption of quercetin, another flavonoid, for example. Because of this, the biological availability and effectiveness of quercetin in our body are increased.