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CA-AKG (Calcium alpha-ketoglutarate) supplements

It’s nigh on impossible to pronounce, but it is a great supplement: calcium alpha-ketoglutarate, or CA-AKG. Read more about what it is and what the supplements can do for you here.

What is calcium alpha-ketoglutarate (CA-AKG) and how does it work?

CA-AKG or calcium alpha-ketoglutarate, is a compound where calcium (CA) is bound to alpha-ketoglutarate acid (AKG). Simply put, it’s a calcium salt. The unique combination makes it a special form of the amino acid ‘ketoglutarate acid’. The latter already naturally exists in our body.

Amino acids form the building blocks of proteins and play an important part in many processes in our bodies. They contribute to the building and recovery of body tissue, the production of enzymes and hormones, and the functioning of our immune system.

Ketoglutarate acid, one of those amino acids, fulfils different important biochemical functions in our body, including the citrus acid cycle. This is also known as the Krebs-cycle. This cycle plays a part in the energy production of our cells. During the citrus acid cycle, nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids, are broken down and converted into energy.

This ketoglutarate acid also serves as an intermediate product of the citrus acid cycle. It really is a vital part of the cycle. It’s also involved in the synthesising of other important molecules like glucose and glutamine.

Alpha (α) refers to the position of the keto group in respect to the molecule.

Alpha-ketoglutarate is an essential chemical. It’s an endogenous compound, which means that our body produces it naturally. It does not enter our body through food. The natural amount of alpha-ketoglutarate rapidly decreases between the ages 40 and 80 years, by a factor of 10.

 CA-AKG or alpha-ketoglutarate

By adding calcium to CA-AKG, we combine two tough compounds: calcium with the amino acid alpha-ketoglutarate acid. This combination of compounds strengthens each other. For example, AKG ensures that calcium is better absorbed by our body.

In general, calcium alpha-ketoglutarate (CA-AKG) has more benefits than ‘regular’ alpha-ketoglutarate. The calcium atom causes a slower absorption of the compound in our intestines and a gradual passing into the veins. Because of this, calcium AKG stays active in the body longer than regular AKG, which improves the biological availability.

CA-AKG supplements

While we can’t make specific claims regarding the health advantages, supplements can help increase the intake of CA-AKG. The purpose of the supplements is to provide the body with a stable form of AKG, namely calcium alpha-ketoglutarate. This way, it’s ensured the body receives enough AKG.

Always ensure a basis of a healthy and varied diet. Supplements are an addition to this, not a replacement of it.

What else contains CA-AKG?

Calcium alpha-ketoglutarate (calcium AKG or CA-AKG) is not naturally found in large quantities in any type of food. The body produces it on its own. Of course, we can increase this amount with the help of CA-AKG supplements.