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Berberine is a natural chemical which is found in certain plants of the Berberis family. Berberine is yellow, which is why it’s also often used as a natural pigment. It’s also an enormously popular supplement!

What exactly is berberine?

Berberine is found in certain plants. This includes for example the barberry (Berberis vulgaris), the goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), yellowroot (Xanthorhiza simplicissima), and tree turmeric (Berberis aristata).

For centuries it’s been used in traditional medicine practices, especially in Asian cultures like Chinese and Indian medicine. In these places it’s used for many different purposes. While a lot of research on berberine is still on-going, there are many promising results already pointing to potential benefits.

Berberine is classified as an alkaloid, a type of organic compound often found in plants. Alkaloids have a complex chemical structure. They often have a basic character, which means they react with acids. In plants, they have many different functions, such as protecting the plant against unwanted creatures, luring pollinators to the plant, or regulating the plant’s growth. You might have heard of other well-known alkaloids such as caffeine, nicotine, and morphine.

Why is berberine good for you?

Berberine supports healthy triglyceride levels.

Triglycerides are a form of fat in our body that function as energy reserves. When the triglyceride levels are too high, this can influence our heart and veins.

Berberine can help to keep the triglyceride levels within a healthy range. The exact way in which berberine affects triglyceride values is not yet fully understood. It likely influences the various enzymes and signal routes in our body involved with the metabolism of fats.

Additionally, a lot of promising scientific research is being conducted on the working berberine in other areas. It’s not without reason that it’s drastically increased in popularity recently! We can’t say anything more about this research until it’s been added to the EU’s database, as per the law.

Berberine supplements

The usage of berberine supplements offers a convenient way to experience the benefits of this natural chemical. Furthermore, the supplements include controlled dosages and easy consumption.

A few benefits to berberine supplements include:

  • Easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Berberine supplements are available as capsules or tablets, making them easy to ingest. Make it a daily habit!
  • Varied applications. Berberine is being researched for its potential effect in different areas. This makes it a multifaceted addition to your health.
  • Possible synergy with other supplements, such as curcumine and Co-enym Q10. This makes it a valuable addition.
  • Berberine supplements are viewed as an addition to a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise and enough rest. It’s not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Safety and tolerance. Berberine is generally considered safe in the recommended dosages. If you are taking other medications, ask your doctor or pharmacy for advice. Always make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Berberine isn’t only safe, but it’s also easy to use. It can easily be included in your daily routine in the form of food supplements. You can benefit from the advantages that this natural chemical offers with only one supplement.