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Is old age an illness?

Old age is certainly not a disease. It is a natural and inevitable process we all go through as we age. Old age is accompanied by physical and cognitive changes in the body. These changes are a normal part of human life. Unfortunately, getting older can mean an increased risk of certain diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s. Is there anything we can do about it? Yep. Read on!

What does science say?

On TV and social media, influencers want to convince us that food supplements with often very high doses of vitamins minerals and herbs will make us go through life fitter and more vital. VitaePro and Vitakruid in particular seem to have unlimited marketing budgets to sell their products. Arjan Lubach paid attention to this in his television programme. In case you missed it take a look here. In this broadcast, a professor of nutrition and pharmacology spoke who clearly stated that if you eat a healthy and varied diet, you have no shortage at all. So you have nothing to supplement. So why do we blindly believe what influencers say and not do our homework? It is not difficult. For instance, just go to the website of the scientific platform Pubmed and see what scientific studies have been conducted. Differentiate between studies on animals or humans.

Supplements against ageing!

At Boinca, we believe there are now promising supplements that are able to stop and even reverse biological ageing. These are so-called novel foods. These are supplements that are already allowed to be sold but for which we are not yet allowed to make claims as to how they work. I will try to explain why these promising supplements are a good alternative to what is currently in most kitchen cupboards.

We know that the process of ageing starts as early as the 27th year of life. The ageing process involves several molecular changes in the body. These include DNA damage and mutations, decrease in telomeres, changes in protein production, accumulation of waste products and damaged proteins, inflammatory responses and changes in hormone levels.

These molecular changes are complex and often reinforce each other. They all play a role in the ageing process and the development of age-related diseases. Research into these processes is still ongoing to better understand how to age healthily and how to prevent or treat age-related diseases.

New supplements that can lower biological age

Biological age is affected by a combination of genetic factors, lifestyle choices, environmental influences and other complex biological processes. Much research is being done on anti-ageing and ways to promote health as we age. Some compounds, such as resveratrol, NMN, TMG, CA AKG are being investigated for their potential role in slowing down ageing processes at the cellular level.

As we age, the likelihood of errors in cell division increases. This is because the repair mechanism of cells becomes less effective over time. Preventing cancer and other health problems is a complex combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. A healthy lifestyle certainly helps reduce certain risks. Some nutrients and antioxidants can additionally help with healthy cell division and protect cells from damage. Nutritional supplements can be a valuable addition especially since promising new supplements have currently come on the market that can reverse biological age and potentially extend life. And that in good health.

Boinca stands for “the fountain of youth”. We therefore offer a wide range of products that can contribute to vital ageing. Feel free to take a look at our website where, besides all the difficult names, you can also easily search by themes, such as cholesterol, muscles and bones, vitality, healthy cells and much more.