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Extend your journey: embrace longevity.

Join us on our journey to a long and vital life.

Our approach

At Boinca, we believe that various promising supplements now exist which are capable of stopping the progressions of your biological age and even reverting it. Old age is not an illness. It’s a natural and unavoidable process that everyone goes through. Old age will eventually cause physical and cognitive change in the body, there’s nothing we can do about that. These changes are a normal part of human life. Old age is, for example, related to the increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Eating healthy, moving a lot, and not smoking, are important contributors to ageing vitally. But even among people with a healthy lifestyle, faulty cell division can lead to unwanted conditions. At Boinca, we believe that our supplements can make a valuable contribution to a healthy lifestyle for everyone who wants to age vitally.

Our mission

Our mission is to support people in healthy and vital ageing. We seek to provide quality food supplements which have been scientifically composed and contribute to an active, balanced, and beaming lifestyle for our customers in order to make ageing healthily accessible to everyone. We also aim to provide educational information and to increase people’s awareness of healthy ageing.


Boinca values your quality of life and independence. Boinca strives to optimise the quality of life of older people, including maintaining their autonomy and independence for longer.


Boinca has a strong focus on the improvement of people’s physical, mental, and emotional health as they grow older.


Boinca values scientific research and evidence-based approaches to the concept of healthy ageing. We only offer well-researched and high quality supplements.

Boinca focuses on consumers who are seriously engaged with their vitality and ageing healthily. The name Boinca is derived from the combination of two words, ”body” and “inca”. Body of course refers to the human body, while “inca” refers to the ancient Inca civilization which was famous for its natural remedies and medicinal herbs. Therefore the name Boinca implies a company that focuses on providing natural and biological supplements that improve our overall health and wellbeing.

In the 16th century, the story of the Fountain of Youth was connected to the biography of conquistador Juan Ponce de León. As apparent in his royal charter, Ponce de León was tasked with the discovery of the country Bimini. While the Indians were most likely describing the land of the Mayans in Yucatan, the name — and the legends regarding Boinca’s fountain of youth — were instead associated with the Bahama’s. However, Ponce de León didn’t mention the fountain in any of his writings during the expedition. While he might have heard of the fountain and believed in it, his name was only posthumously connected to the legend in writing. The connection was made in Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo’s Historia General y Natural de las Indias from 1535, in which he writes that Ponce de León searched the Bimini waters to get back his youth. For over a hundred years, the Spaniards searched every ‘river, stream, lagune, or puddle’ along the Floridian coast in search of the legendary Fountain of Youth.

This is what our customers have to say

Some positive feedback about Boinca from our customers

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Dominic Herrera

Consectetur adipisicing elit sedeestis do eiusmod tempor incididu ntutuese labore et dolore magais.

Marc Henderson

Consectetur adipisicing elit sedeestis do eiusmod tempor incididu ntutuese labore et dolore magais.

Raymond McKenzie