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Resveratrol is a natural chemical that’s part of a group of compounds called polyphenols. It’s mainly but not exclusively found in the skin of red grapes and red wine. What is it exactly and why do resveratrol supplements exist?

Resveratrol in red wine

Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes. It’s in other plant-based foods, too, but supplements are most often made from grapes or Japanese knotweed.

The chemical is best known as a substance in red wine. Some research suggests that it could play a part in the ‘French paradox’. This has to do with people in specific parts of France where their diet generally contains a lot of grease. The health detriments you would expect to see as a consequence of a fat-heavy diet, however, aren’t there. Next to the fat foods, the people drink a relatively high amount of red wine.

While the connection between resveratrol and its health benefits is still subject to more research, it remains an interesting substance of which scientists are eager to discover more.

It should be said that alcohol remains bad for your health. We do not recommend drinking it in an attempt to become healthier. Moreover, there are different and better ways to consume resveratrol.

What contains resveratrol?

Resveratrol is most commonly found in red grapes and products made of red grapes, such as red wine. The skin of the grapes contains a higher concentration of resveratrol. Additionally, resveratrol can be found in other foods in lower amounts. Examples include blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, peanuts, and cocoabeans.

In grapeskin, resveratrol functions protectively. It’s produced in response to stress factors the plant experiences, such as sunlight, injury, and infection. Resveratrol helps the grape plant defend itself against harmful outside influences such as mold and bacteria. It keeps the grapes healthy and contributes to the ripening of the fruits.

What is trans-resveratrol?

Trans-resveratrol is a specific chemical structure of resveratrol which exists in the trans-isomer form. This form is considered biologically active and is more easily absorbed by the body than the cis-isomer form of resveratrol. To put it simply: our supplements contain a form of resveratrol which is more easily digested and absorbed by our bodies. Highly convenient.

Why is resveratrol good for you?

Resveratrol has a beneficial effect on heart function*.

*This claim about health awaits confirmation from the European Commission.

 We can’t say anything on the other promising research being done on the functioning of resveratrol. Not because we don’t believe in it, but because this research first has to be included in European regulation.

Always ensure a basis of a healthy diet with varied nutrition. Supplements are an addition to this, not a replacement.

Side effects

Resveratrol is a normally safe supplement.

In people with bleeding disorders it can potentially slow down the blood-clotting process. This could increase the risk of bleedings. It’s also discouraged to use resveratrol if you have a hormone-sensitive condition, such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids. If you have one of these conditions, we recommend consulting your doctor for advice and guidance before trying resveratrol.